Week 8 OTR Power Rankings


1. Houston Hoops– Went 3-1 in Indy in session II to go 5-3 on the EYBL. Big weekend in Dallas, looking to qualify for Peach Jam.

2. Cooz EliteWent 3-1 at the UA Rise session in Dallas this past weekend. The addition of Elijah Elliot has been a great addition.

3. Houston Defenders– Went 2-1 in the New Orleans HoopFest.

4. Team Harden- Went 1-2 in “The Platform” last weekend, played some tough teams.

5. TJ Ford Basketball Blue- Went 3-1 in “The Platform”, PJ Haggerty is still smokin hot.

6. Houston Raptors Benjamin- Went 3-0 in “The Platform” with a quality win over Team Harden.

7. FAM Elite 2020- Idle last weekend, will play in the Memorial Day GASO, went 5-0 in the SAN Antonio GASO event.

8. San Man Academy- Idle last weekend.

9. D1 Houston-Went 4-1 in the Mayhem in the Plex, advancing to the Final four.

10Tx Takeover Ned- Idle last weekend.



1.  Houston Hoops

2. Team Harden

3. Houston Defenders

4. RL9

5.  Tx Takeover Kemp



1. Houston Hoops

2. Houston Defenders

3. PB Nation/YIIS

4.  Team Harden

5. JL3 Elite

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